

Exhibitor & Sponsor Information


Sponsor and Exhibitor Information

The Iowa Physician Assistant Society invites your company to exhibit its products and services at our two great conferences! Please reserve your space now and mark your calendar for these events!

IPAS is working hard to continue the relationship between healthcare providers and pharmaceutical companies. There is a great need for communication, and these conferences provide excellent opportunities to develop and strengthen relationships. 

If you have questions regarding the conferences, please email IPAS at director@iapasociety.org or call (515) 750-2310 (Ext. 6). We look forward to seeing you!

Partner with IPAS

IPAS is committed to providing partnership opportunities that allow our supporters access to a captive onsite audience of PA providers that they may not otherwise have in-person access to. We want to be sure that vendor have the chance to reconnect with their PA contacts and offer insight into new products and therapeutics. IPAS can be a resource to help spread your messaging and brand to our members as well as non-member professionals.


Monday, April 7 | Breakfast Session - $3,000

Monday, April 8 | Lunch Session - $6,000

Tuesday, April 7 | Breakfast Session - $3,000

Tuesday, April 8 | Lunch Session - $6,000

*Exhibit space is included at all sponsor levels.


$575.00 for exhibit space

$50.00 for electricity

Rules and Regulations

Please review these rules and regulations for the IPAS Fall and Spring CME Conferences carefully. Completing the application binds you and your company to this contract and the terms expressed herein.

The balance of your exhibit and/or sponsorship fee must be completely paid by the close of business (5:00 p.m. CT) on Monday, March 17, 2025. If written notice of cancellation is received one month prior to the meeting date, a refund may be considered, only if we are able to rent the exhibit space to another company. No refunds will be processed after March 17, 2025. 

Products or services exhibited (or referred to) must be those related to the interests and educational values of the IPAS and normally manufactured or supplied by the exhibitor. Exhibitor may exhibit only those products or services approved by the IPAS staff. IPAS may refuse to accept the application of any company or person whose display of goods or services is not compatible, in the sole opinion of the IPAS, with the general character and objectives of the IPAS. 

All booths include one table, two chairs, a wastebasket, and a final list of registered attendees. IPAS has the right to assign your booth location. 

Exhibitors shall comply with all applicable Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations, including, without limitation, FDA restrictions on the promotion of investigational and pre-approved drugs and devices and the FDA prohibition on promoting approved drugs and devices for unapproved uses. Any product not FDA- approved for a particular use or not commercially available in the US may be exhibited only if accompanied by easily visible signs indicating the status of the product. 

Exhibitors shall be fully responsible to pay for any damages to property owned by the conference host location. Exhibitor agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless, host location, IPAS and their owners, managers, officers, directors or agents, employees, subsidiaries and affiliates, from any damages or charges resulting from Exhibitor’s use of the property. Exhibitor’s liability includes all losses, costs, damages, or expenses arising from or out of or by reason of any accident or bodily injury or other occurrences to any person or persons, including the Exhibitor, its agents, employees, and business invitees which arise from or out of the Exhibitor’s occupancy and use of the exhibition premises, the Hotel or any part thereof. 


If the Conference should not be held for any reason whatsoever, the contract for exhibit space shall be terminated. In such case, the exhibitor shall waive all damages and claims for damages and agrees that the sole liability of the IPAS will be to return to exhibitors their space payment on a pro rata basis after deduction of all Conference related costs and expenses incurred by the IPAS through the date of cancellation, an administrative fee, and overhead charges.

Exhibitors and Sponsors are encouraged to avoid any scheduling conflicts involving attendees during conference lectures, workshops and exhibit times. 

The IPAS shall have the sole authority to interpret and enforce all rules and regulations governing exhibitors and the Conference. Any and all matters not specifically covered herein are subject to decision by the IPAS. These rules and regulations may be amended at any time by the IPAS upon written notice to all exhibitors. Each exhibitor expressly agrees to be bound by the rules and regulations set forth herein and by any amendments thereto adopted by the IPAS from time to time. Any exhibitor or exhibitor representative who, in the opinion of the IPAS, conducts itself unethically may immediately be dismissed from the Conference without refund or other appeal. 

IPAS will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and to provide updates and marketing for future events. IPAS can email you, send you direct mail, and share your information with other members and vendors. You can change your mind at any time by contacting us at director@iapasociety.org. We will treat your information with respect. By agreeing to the terms and conditions of IPAS, you agree that we may process your information in accordance with these terms.

Any violation of these Rules and Regulations by an exhibitor may, at IPAS discretion, result in denial of access to the exhibit area, denial of exhibit space installation, closing or removal of the exhibitor’s exhibit space, and/or prohibition on future participation in Conferences. In the event exhibitor violates the Rules and Regulations and is prohibited from continued use of the exhibit space, exhibitor’s exhibit space fee, or any portion of it, is non-refundable. 

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